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Step By Step Moving House Checklist

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Step By Step Moving House Checklist

You’ve done it! You’ve found your dream home, dodged gazumpers, negotiated with buyers and sellers, survived the overwhelming fug of aftershave of smooth talking estate agents and now you’re finally on the move!

But you’d be amazed at the number of moves that are held up and come-a-cropper because of a lack of preparation. Moving day can be a bit stressful and for some emotional (saying goodbye to the home your children grew up in). To make things as easy as possible it’s best to get organised. If you’re ready in advance, if you ensure your moving crew have all the relevant information prior to their arrival, then it can make everything an easy-peasy removal wheezy!

So to get your show on the road, here’s a step by step moving house checklist to get you from A to B.


Book Your Removal Team Early
If you have not already booked your removals team, it’s best to book as early as possible. Certain days of the week are more popular for moving, the closer you get to your moving day, the more crews are likely to be booked already.

Moving Day Checklist


Read The Terms & Conditions
How many times have you clicked the “Yes I have read the terms and conditions box” without so much as giving it a glance? We’re all guilty. But do make sure you check the terms of your removal contract. It might require you to take care of certain things in advance, such as unplugging electricals, covering floors, removing light fittings. Many of these things can be requested in advance (if you want your team to remove curtains for example), but if you sign the terms and don’t make provisions you could incur extra charges so beware.

 Moving Day Planning


Check For Access Issues
You’re used to driving up to your home and possibly no longer see issues. But do a quick recce of your existing home and new home to check for potential problems (tight bends, low hanging trees that will hamper large vans, parking restrictions). No problem is insurmountable and if your team know in advance, they can plan ahead to make sure things go as smoothly as possible.

Removals Van


Protect Your Carpets
At Armishaws our crews carry carpet protectors but these may not cover against everything if your delivery access is muddy and you have new carpets. If there are carpets or floors you’re particularly worried about, prepare them before your team arrive with extra floor covering and protection. If a fitted carpet is to be moved, it will need to be prepared in advance by removing all the fixing strips and lifting the edges away from the gripper rods.

Protect Carpets


Disconnect Electrical Equipment
Arrangements should be made in advance to disconnect gas and electric cookers, light fittings, gas fires, washing machines and dishwashers. Curtains, shelves and anything fixed to the walls should also be taken down ready to move. Yes, your removal team can do it, but this will add time to the move (in extreme cases this could lead to extra charges, always check the terms of your contract).



Declutter To Save Taking ‘Junk’ With You
Most of us have a pile of unwanted or unloved items that we keep promising to sort out. Moving home is definitely the time to do it. You don’t want to be paying to take ‘stuff’ with you only to have to find somewhere else to store it or worse still, have it cluttering your lovely new home. Another top tip for your moving house checklist.



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    Check & Clear Loft Spaces
    Most removal companies are not insured to work in lofts unless it is boarded and lit with a safe fixed access. If your lofts are tight, not boarded, poorly lit you will need to move those items in advance. The last things your crews want is to not do the best job and as much as they might want to, they are simply not allowed to access those spaces (this is down to prohibitive insurance demands, not due to the staff themselves being unwilling).

    Declutter Loft


    Check Those Droopy Drawers
    If you have any furniture you know is in a bad state, then get any repairs done before it’s picked up, carried, transported, placed on trolleys… It might not make the journey, so it’s better to do the repair before it goes through the stresses of moving house that could exacerbate any damage or structural weakness.

    Broken Drawers


    Ask About Drawers & Hampers
    Some items like ottomans, chests of drawers, linen hampers can be moved still full. Check with your removal surveyor about these items during the survey, it could save you from unnecessary packing.



    Disassemble System Furniture
    System or self-assembly furniture is not designed to be moved whole and often does not go back together very well if dismantled. While your movers will do their best, they can’t guarantee that this type of furniture will move successfully either whole or dismantled. The best course of action is to take system furniture apart slowly and carefully in advance of your move and then reassemble it carefully once the move is complete.

    Moving Furniture


    Ensure Everything Outdoors Is Ready To Go
    Anything you wish to take from the garden, shed, greenhouse or garage should be prepared in advance. Plants should either be potted or their roots contained in a plastic bin liner. Garden tools should be tied in bundles, and swings, climbing frames etc, dismantled and ready. Contents of sheds and garages should be boxed and items such as paving slabs cleaned and stacked.



    Supervise Your Crew As They’re Loading
    You or a trusted lieutenant should be present when the crew arrive to tell them what’s to be moved and to point out anything to be left. When the crew finish loading you should check to ensure that nothing is left behind.

    Take Charge


    Prepare To Unpack Over Several Days
    It’s often impractical to completely unpack everything on delivery due to time and space restrictions. Decide what is most important and focus on those key items/boxes.

    Moving House Tips


    Make Plans For Valuables
    Most removal companies will not be responsible for packing and moving items of jewellery, money, firearms or stamp collections as these can’t be insured. You will need to make alternative arrangement for these items (your removals company will probably be able to give you advice).

    Moving Costs


    Don’t Forget To Eat!
    Yes, surprisingly people often don’t make provisions for food (“Oh, we’ll get something on the day…”), but sometimes the day doesn’t go smoothly. Before you know it, it’s six o’clock and the only sustenance you’ve had all day is a Mr Whippy from a luckily passing ice cream van. Make sure you have some food and water to hand, it’s likely to be a busy day and thirsty work!
    Top Food Tip – Let your food stocks run down prior to moving to avoid taking too much food with you. And plan a food delivery for the day after your move to restock your new kitchen cupboards, fridge, freezer, etc.

    Moving Tips


    Get Insurance Cover
    Recent legislation prevents the selling of insurance by unqualified persons. That means many removals companies can no longer sell extended insurance cover (at Armishaws we provide cover for goods in transit as part of our service backed by our own insurers).

    It’s essential you ensure your goods are adequately protected throughout your removal and the total value of your belongings should be specified on the acceptance form. We also advise getting your own insurance cover for your move.

    Removals Insurance


    Book Container Storage If Needed
    Your move might take place in several stages, you could be collecting items from multiple locations, you could be going into short term rental accommodation while waiting for your new home to become available. There are many reasons storage might be required, the easiest solution is to find a removals company that can also offer storage, that way you’re only dealing with one contractor for your entire removal. You’ll also often find you’re assigned the same crew for each stage of your move as they’ll be more familiar with your home and access.

    Removals Storage


    Book A Shopping Delivery
    No, it’s not the time to buy a new pair of shoes. But when you do get to your new home, the last thing you want to worry about is ‘the big shop’. Plan ahead, before your move do a food and essentials shop online and arrange for it to be delivered to your new address the day after your move. You’ll have the fridge full, toilet rolls in place, cleaning products to hand and with the ability for everyone to sat fed and watered, a generally happy house. Annnnnnd breathe! 

    Eat Your Food

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