14 Easy Tips To Avoid Moving House Stress

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14 Easy Tips To Avoid Moving House Stress

According to polls and studies, moving house is one of the top 5 most stressful life events. And this stress is usually months in the making, with negotiating, endless paperwork, waiting on other people in your chain, packing and decluttering… Phew! It’s no wonder that by the time moving day comes around movers are already pretty frazzled. But although hectic, moving day is also very exciting and should be enjoyable.

By following some simple tips and avoiding potential pitfalls you can make the experience as smooth as possible and wave a cheery goodbye to moving house stress.


Before The Move

Make A Priority List

Putting it on paper, gets the worries out of your head and allows you to organise and prioritise. Once you can see what lays ahead, you can make notes and solutions beside each entry and start ticking off each job as you complete it.

Moving Day Planning


Choose Your Moving Dates Early

Once you know the day it’s happening, that can reduce some of the uncertainty and anxiety, it gives you something to aim for (even if it does have to move slightly due to latter events). Try to avoid holidays and Bank holidays as these days are always very busy, putting a squeeze on the availability and prices of removers.

Moving Day Checklist


Book Time Off Work

That’s not just for moving day, book some time prior to your move to allow you to declutter, do little repairs, start packing. The more you can get done well in advance of the move, the more prepared and relaxed you’ll feel as moving day draws closer. It will also mean you have time to deal with any extra issues that crop up.

Day Off


Declutter To Free Up Space

It’s amazing how beneficial decluttering can be for both your mind and your move. It doesn’t just empty loft spaces and overstuffed spare rooms/dumping grounds. It can actually feel like spring cleaning for the brain. Reducing the ‘junk’ you don’t want to take with you, or simply sorting it and packing things that are currently taking up more space than needed, will also make packing easier and cheaper.

You can read more here; 14 Tips To Declutter Before Your Move



Book Your Removals Company

Early birds catch the removal vans. Like many services there are peak times, some days of the week are busier and certain months are more popular for moving home. But those who leave it to the last minute will find they don’t get their first choice of company, end up paying more and certainly worry more. Avoid unnecessary panic. Companies like Armishaws allow you to pay a deposit to save your dates and offer flexibility should your dates suddenly change.

Removals Van

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    Get Packing Ahead Of Time

    Try and you pack everything you can ahead of time. Here are a couple of tips on packing to help keep it simple and worry free:

    • Start Early. The more you get done early, the more you’ll reduce last minute panic packing.
    • Pack the least used/important pieces earlier on, and the most important last. This also means those items can be last on/first out at the other end.
    • Put important documents together and label them clearly.
    • Pack by room – this will help should you locate items and help your removal team.
    • Label fragile items boldly – you’ll be calmer and your crew will be able to identify which packages need extra care.
    • Label boxes on all sides and the top, colour coding them by room helps find/sort things at a glance.
    • Ask your removers about their packing options and materials, good removers will take care of everything for you. Packing Services
    • Make sure freezers are ready for the move by cleaning and defrosting well in advance.

    Removals Packing


    Do Your Homework

    Redirect post, cancel suppliers/direct debits, make sure everyone who needs to know has been told you’re moving. Then think of your new home, setting up suppliers, arranging a food/grocery delivery to arrive the day after your move… Get all those little paperwork jobs added to your master list and get them ticked off well ahead of the day.

    Finding Schools Overseas


    Check The Weather 

    Make sure you keep an eye on the weather in the week before your move in case you need to take extra precautions. Although obviously in Britain our weather is about as reliable as a sundial at midnight.

    Removals Insurance

    Moving Day

    Have An Early Night

    If you’ve planned all of the above well, then you shouldn’t need to stay up until daft o’clock the night before your move. Waking up tired could make you irritable which could set the tone for the day, so get your head down at a decent hour the night before the move.

    Removals Tips


    Ask For Help If Needed

    Many hands make light work, so don’t be shy, pressgang friends and relatives in to help out on the day. The more help you have, the less pressure on yourself to get everything done single handed. Having relatives look after children for the day and keeping them occupied can be a HUGE way to reduce stress (“Are we there yet?”, “I’m hungry!”, “I need a wee.” “Jacob says he’s going to stuff me in a box!”).

    Removals Help


    Plan The Van Parking

    Not all gardens and drives can accommodate a large removals van. That means they’ll be on the road, so make sure you’ve considered street parking. Officially you’re not allowed to place anything on a public highway (such as cones or wheelie) when trying to reserve parking. You can politely ask neighbours or put up polite signs asking people to leave space. Any potential parking or access issues should be communicated with your removers in advance.

    Removals Van


    Make Sure You Eat

    It is very easy to get carried away and forget to look after yourself on moving day, make sure you have a break! Lower blood sugar will mean energy levels will start to flag and make you ‘hangry’.  And no matter how strong your removals team is and how little lifting you plan on doing, it will still be a physical do, toing and froing, answering questions in one area of the house before being called to the garden… Have


    food handy to keep you going (high energy foods such as bananas, are a good idea) and pack more food than you expect to need in case of delays.

    Moving Tips


    Clean As You Go

    It’s a lot easier to clean an empty house, if you can get into your property before the movers arrive this is an ideal opportunity. It gives you a chance to assess the state of the property before everything starts happening. This is your chance to check everything over and make sure no rubbish or mess has been left, and gives you a chance to sort it. There are also those that like to clean their old home before you go. This is a lovely gesture but if you do find yourself tight for time on the day, remember you’re not obliged to clean. Making sure you and your family get settled into the new house should be your priority and there’s no reason to feel guilty about that.

    Cleaning When Moving House


    Unpack The Essentials First

    The first thing to reach for when unpacking is the essential items. You need somewhere to sleep, the means to make a drink, functional heating, light bulbs and window coverings. So just give yourself a quick arrival shortlist;

    • Sleeping
    • Drinking/eating
    • Warmth/lighting
    • Privacy

    After these essentials, any other packing should be seen as a bonus. You have plenty of time (years ahead!) to make your mark and start dressing your new home. A well earned take away is a far better reward for everyone on moving day than hanging a few pictures. The other reason is that if you start unpacking other items and then find yourself getting tired before the beds have been put together, you’ll still have things to do. If you have the four essentials covered, you can collapse into bed any time you like.

    Removals Guide


    If you have any particular moving day questions or concerns, want some quick advice or a free quote,
    simply contact our friendly team and we’ll be happy to help.

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