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21 Moving Home Traditions

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21 Moving Home Traditions

Moving into a new home and want to ensure everything starts with a pinch of good luck? Here are some new home traditions from around the world you can try.


Paint Your Porch Blue

According to Gullah superstitions (associated with African-Americans in some southern states), ‘haint’ spirits can’t travel over water, so painting your porch, doors and windows blue would keep those evil spirits away. There was also a practical purpose, the paint would be mixed with lime which would ward off mosquitos.


Get Fruity

In Chinese tradition, different fruits symbolise or bring about different fortunes and so will often be presented as new home gifts. Oranges for prosperity, pomegranates for opportunities, peaches for good health and apples for safety. As well as the fruits themselves, fruit trees or plants might be presented or planted by the new owners.

fruit on the doorstep


Roll A Pineapple

Another Chinese tradition involves rolling a pineapple into your home from the moment you enter it. It should be rolled in every room while chanting phrases of good fortune (in Mandarin naturally). And afterwards, you can make a nice fruit salad.


Bring Bread & Salt
Russia & Germany

A Jewish custom in Russia and Germany says bread and salt should be the first items in your new home. Bread to ensure you never experience hunger, salt to fill your life full of flavour. They’re often presented as gifts.


Holy Thread

If you’re moving to a new home in Thailand, remember to invite an odd number (even numbers are unlucky) of Buddhist monks to perform a Khuan Ban Mai blessing ceremony. The monks tie a sai sin (holy thread) around the wrists of those moving in to bring them luck.


Hang the Chimney Hook

Pendaison de crémaillère, refers to ‘hanging of the chimney hook’. Dating from the medieval period, when a house was built, the last thing to be put in place was a hook in the chimney to hang cooking pots from. Once in place, a meal would be prepared to thank everyone who helped build the house. In France pendaison de crémaillère still means housewarming party.



Spill the Beans

In Korea red beans are spread throughout the new home to banish evil spirits and bring luck (red is considered a lucky colour in many parts of Asia).


Ring a Bell

A Tibetan bell will help clear out stagnant or dying chi, allowing room for positive energy to flourish. But if you hear a soft ‘ding!’ it could just mean you’ve received a text message.


Bless This House

Religious ceremonies have been used in many cultures, in Italy the local priest would bless the new house with incense. He’d also hang around to enjoy a good meal afterwards.


Burn Sage
North America

Native Americans would burn sage to remove bad energy from their homes.


Right Foot First

In India new homeowners should step into their new property with their right foot first to bring good luck.

Right foot first


New Broom

Rather than bring their old broom, with its old dirt, old luck and maybe old spirits, a new home would always require a new broom.


Germany & Scandinavia

Acorns were considered the best way to keep evil spirits away so windowsills would be lined with acorns. They would also be carved into doors and shutters. Gifts with acorn emblems are still given as housewarming gifts.


Can On A Hot Tin Roof
New Zealand

In New Zealand, once the new homeowners have settled in and night has fallen, friends and family throw tin cans onto the roof to scare away evil spirits (and probably frighten the life out of sleeping neighbours!). They’re then welcomed inside for a housewarming.


Bury Coins

In the Philippines coins are buried in the foundations of a new home, or if moving into an existing building, scattered on the doorstep to bring prosperity.



Rice & Easy

Rice features in a number of new house traditions. In India milk and rice are heated in a pot until the pot overflows to symbolise an abundance of wealth and happiness.


The Chinese carry uncooked rice inside to bring about prosperity.


But in Italy, bringing uncooked rice into the house brings about fertility. So if you look at your children and think, “We already have too many of these!” it might be best to give the rice a miss.


Plant a Pomegranite
India, China, Persia

Pomegranates are another food associated with fertility and trees would be planted outside new homes of couples wishing to have a family.


Spread Salt

Spreading salt in a room features in a number of different cultures. Salt is sprinkled on the floors of the new home and is left overnight to ward off evil spirits then swept up the next day.


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    Northern Europe

    It’s not just another excuse for a knees up (although it is a good reason to have a party). The tradition of housewarming comes from lighting fires in a home that might have been left empty and cold. Also candles would be carried from room to room to frighten away evil spirits.


    Opening A Bottle Of Wine
    Your New Home

    Open a bottle of wine. This isn’t actually a tradition at all but if you’ve just spent the entire day moving house, we think you deserve a nice, chilled glass of wine. Good work and cheers!

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